Monday, April 2, 2012

stencil painting

This wall was painted with metallic paints. I used both Modern Master Metallics and Martha Steward metallic paints to create glowing shades of brown. I used 4 mil mylar to create aspen tree stencils. (If you don't want to make your own you can order very nice stencils from
She also carries the blank mylar if you want to make your own. I found that using a wood burning knife worked much better than a stencil burner.
I mixed 20 minute drywall mud and a 4" drywall knife to apply the drywall mixture over the stencils. Once the drywall mix dried I painted about half of the leaves with Modern Masters "Flash Gold" paint to add more shimmer and light for more realistic aspen leaves. The 2 aspen trees form a framed setting and would look great with a white wicker bench and potted plants sitting around it. Just another fun wall to bring walls to life in your home.

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