I'm having so much fun leaning about painting on walls. This is a simple tree that I painted freehand on the wall. I wanted it to look like there is a gentle breeze and some of the leave are falling off and drifting around. Since my bedspread is white right now and it is winter I liked the idea of bears dressed for an winter outing sitting under the tree. What little girl wouldn't love to play and snuggle under her covers at night in this room?
You can't see the color on the leaves very well but I painted a metallic "Flash Blue" over the black leaves. When the light shines on them they become a brilliant peacock blue.
With a simple tree like this in a child's room it would be so easy to change the decor with each season. I can visualize tall dolls sitting and standing around a small child's table having a tea party for the a summer look. Add a lace table cloth and baskets of flowers to brighten the setting. Hang a noose from the ceiling and sit scarecrows under the tree for fall with fake spinderwebs criss crossing from the walls in the room. If you chose to have a winter setting all year, try painting snowflakes with Moder Masters "Flash Blue". It will hardly be noticeable on light walls but you will catch a glimpse of color for the impression of falling snow. How about stuffed bunnies, chicks and little fluffy lambs under the tree for spring. So many fun things to do with a simple design.
Oh, all the bears were found at various thrift stores on Seniors half price sells. Another fun project for the budget minded!
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