Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Am My Beloved and My Beloved Is Mine

Can you imagine any gift that would be more meaningful than a piece of pure silver jewelry with an inspription that you designed? To make this simple yet meaningful wedding ring, I went to my favorite stamp store and ask my friends if they would make a stamp with the Hebrew inscription "I Am My Beloved And My Beloved Is Mine" I wanted a ring that would be as meaning to someone else as would be to me. I was amazed at how simple this project is. Simply roll out the clay, stamp it with the stamp of your choice and cut it to size and paste the ends. Once I had my piece dry I sanded it using all grits of sandpaper. This particular piece was fired with the torch. After firing I used all grits of sandpaper again and then polishing papers to obtain the mirror finish. Can you think of anything more special to give your fiance' as a wedding gift than to make your own wedding bands. Something to be cherished forever.

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